British Values
The UK government outlined 4 key British values to be taught and embedded into the fabric of every school. Each of these values are taught both explicitly and implicitly. They are woven into the daily running of school life at Holy Trinity. The 4 key values are explained below.
Democracy is present through our Infant and Junior leadership teams. Children from each class can put themselves forward for a vote by their class. The leadership teams meet monthly with a teacher to raise any issues and share ideas. The role is able to effect change in our school and hear perspectives from the pupil’s voice. Children are encouraged to see their ideas being listened to and how their ideas can be a force for positive improvement in school life.
The Rule of Law
The importance of laws, whether they are those that govern the class, the school, or the country, are consistently reinforced at Holy Trinity. From Reception, Each school year starts with looking at the rules that keep us safe in our classrooms and school. This is then referring to throughout the year. Our school values are also spoken about in a positive way and modelled all the way through the school community, particularly celebrating our values champions each week.
Individual Liberty
At Holy Trinity, we celebrate that every child is unique and has the power to make their own choices with the support of the clear boundaries and routines that are established into the life of the school. We value children making informed choices through lessons that are engaging and explore the decisions children have to make right from Reception .Whether this is the choice of what to eat for at hot lunch times to how to keep ourselves safe on the street and on line. These lessons are taught through our PSHE curriculum which occur weekly.
Mutual Respect
Our school vision of Love learning, love another and love God cultivates an enriching environment for children to thrive in respecting each other. Respect is taught explicitly through how we show value to the words we say to each other in class times and in the playground. In circle times in PSHE, we build upon the importance of listening to a range of ideas and views and how we can support each other’s thought. During our PSHE lessons, RE lessons and collective worship times, we teach and model mutual respect and also take this attitude to all areas of school life including staff as well as pupils.
At Holy Trinity, we are proud to be a diverse school of different views and beliefs. We encourage different views and faiths to be respectfully explored in class discussions in PSHE and RE lessons. We partake in different multicultural activities throughout the year and visit different places of worship. We are pleased that through our school values we are able to love one another regardless of differences we may have.