Pupils’ Voice
‘The school should help people who need it, letting children have places where they can do their work and teachers to help them.’
We believe that all children excel with an outstanding education, an enriching curriculum, supportive family/carers and staff who are dedicated and caring.
All learners are unique with differing strengths and interests and we work to these to motivate and instil pupils with confidence. We prepare all of our children for the wider world by supporting where necessary, whilst developing their self-efficacy, resilience, independence and life skills. We understand the importance of Quality First Teaching in the classroom, focussing on inclusive strategies such as ‘sensory friendly’ and ‘Dyslexia friendly’ classrooms that benefit all of our learners.
Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is Fiona Whiteside and she can be contacted on fwhiteside@htprimary.com or via the school office.
More detailed information about our SEND processes and SEND Policy can be found here.
We are always here to listen to your concerns. Initially speak with your child’s teacher outlining your concerns, before contacting the school SENCO, as SEND support at Holy Trinity is collaborative and starts in the classroom. Hopefully, between them, they will be able to address your queries. Should this not suffice you can also contact the Headteacher, who may direct you to further school policies and procedures.