Cloak Room
The children each have their own peg to hang their belongings on each day. You are welcome to leave a spare set of clothes/wellies for your child here if you wish. The self register is in the cloakroom. Each day the children find their apple and place it on the Rainbow class apple tree. This is fantastic practise for name recognition and also helps us to know who is in Nursery each day.
Construction Area
An area to build and explore! Full of wooden blocks, ramps, natural resources and additional toys/characters to support your child’s role play and imagination. I wonder what they can build.
Art Area
We encourage creativity in all areas of the Nursery, however the Art area is always a good one for the children to explore their creativity further! There are a variety of different resources accessible for the children to use at all times, such as chalk, paint, glue, glitter, string, crayons, pencils, stampers, ink, pens, material, buttons and much more!
Tummy Time
This is an area to develop the children’s mark making skills whilst encouraging them to lie down on their tummy. This is a great way to develop gross motor strength, which in turns supports their gross and fine motor control. There are a selection of different writing tools to explore and our WOW washing line so they can peg up any work that they are proud of. We feel sharing the children’s work is a really important part of their self-confidence and development and love to celebrate everyone’s hard work!
Home Corner
The home corner is one of our role play areas that always remains the same. We feel it is great to give the children a constant role play of something they are familiar with. Here they are able to role play being different families and always cook up a storm!
Role Play Area
The home corner is one of our role play areas that always remains the same. We feel it is great to give the children a constant role play of something they are familiar with. Here they are able to role play being different families and always cook up a storm!
Performance Stage
We are all performers in Rainbow Class! This is an area where the children can choose a prop/costume from our treasure trunk and then choose a musical instrument to perform with too. The choice is theirs. I wonder who they will be? Or what songs they will sing? Can they make a new song up? We can’t wait to sing and dance together!
Play Dough Table
We have fresh play dough out in the Nursery each day and sometimes the children even help us to make it too. There are always a selection of different resources to support their exploration on the play dough table, we love to add natural resources too like grass, flowers and sticks as well. Sometimes we even add lavender or peppermint essence to add a real sensory experience!
Water & Sand Area
Like all areas of the Nursery, the water and the sand have additional resources accessible to the children to explore their play further. We love to add bubbles to the water and sometimes even food colouring and glitter too for potion making!
Explore & Discover Table
This is an area to explore our curiosity even further! You can always find feathers, translucent objects and other strange and wonderful things here to explore! We also have our globe on this table and we always love to find where we are all from.
The Snuggery is our quiet room. It’s a lovely little space where the children can go if they would like some quiet time. We start each day here with our daily discussion (days of the week, months of the year, weather, seasons and special helpers) followed by an input and then a physical warm up to make sure we are awake and ready to start exploring! Within the Snuggery we also have our cosy reading corner. All of the books are accessible for the children to choose and look through whenever they would like. The children each have a book bag and can choose a new book each day to share with you at home. We have a selection of story baskets in the reading corner with puppets/props/characters from different stories that get rotated every other week. There is also the opportunity to use the CD player to listen to music or a story too. We also use the Snuggery for one of our snack time groups and as an area if any of the children need a little lie down. (We have fold out beds that we use when needed!)