Every week the children make something new to either enjoy at home or eat with their friends in the setting. Cooking is such a great activity to do with the children – we love it! We always link each recipe with a special story to share together. It also covers many different areas of their learning…
Physical Development – Using Equipment and Materials: using spoons, mixers, pouring, measuring
Physical Development – Health and Bodily Awareness: we always have a chat about importance of cleaning hands, washing the ingredients, and having a balanced diet
Personal Social and Emotional Development – Behaviour and Self Control: taking turns, waiting, sharing
Creative Development – Exploring Media and Materials/being creative: noticing and feeling different textures when using ingredients, using descriptive words as we work, observing what is happening as we add different ingredients
Communication Language and Literacy – Language for Thinking: talking through the process with the children, asking them questions about what is happening, encouraging them to explain why we use or do certain things
Problem Solving Reasoning and Numeracy – We always do lots of counting: counting spoonful’s, looking at numbers on scales, is there more or less of different ingredients, counting paper cases, dividing how many cakes each