P.E ProgressiP.E Progression Mapon Map
At Holy Trinity School, we firmly believe that Physical Education, experienced in a safe and supportive environment, has a vital role to play in the physical, emotional, social, spiritual, moral and cultural development of the children in our care, as well as promoting a lifelong healthy lifestyle and a sense of well-being. We believe that Physical Education should be an inclusive, motivational and supportive experience. We aim to encourage our pupils to be the best they can be and create a positive atmosphere through guidance, encouragement and support.
We use the getset4pe framework which gives a clear progression of skills, from EYFS to Year 6, through a broad breadth of different activities and sports.
In EYFS and KS1 the focus is on introducing and developing fundamental skills such as throwing and catching, moving and balancing. They are taught gymnastics and dance and are introduced to competitive games and invasion games.
In Key Stage 2, whilst maintaining and developing fundamental skills, there is more emphasis on tactical approaches to winning and losing games. Children are encouraged to consider how their own performance is affecting the end result and work as a team.
Active play is encouraged throughout the school with the provision of a climbing wall and challenge course (KS2), a play fort (KS2) and a Trim Trail (KS1). We also have an all-weather, 3G astro turf pitch.